What's with all this madness surrounding the Young Dems of Georgia (YDG) elections?
First there was the whole brouhaha over the VP of Programs position. Drama galore, followed by a blog and many incendiary comments, and then one less candidate.
Now the YDG President post has become the topic du jour, and everyone is buzzing about it. I can't keep up with who's running, who's not, who has dropped out, who has joined the race again, who's pissed at whom, who tattled on whom, who is siding with whom. I have to admit, it actually adds some excitement and intrigue, but I don't exactly understand it.

But I have to wonder: why doesn't everyone just stay in the darn race, and it'll all get figured out the old-fashioned way? Actually, I guess the old-fashioned way would be a duel, you know, a la Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. Now that would really be exciting. We could clear out the North Room at Manuel's Tavern and have it there!
But short of that, methinks the candidates should stay in the election, then everyone will vote, someone will win, and peace and tranquility will be restored to the YDG kingdom. Is that crazy?