The Q and A is over, so people have managed to get a better foothold in the room, but it's still pretty hard to maneuver.
3:47 P.M. There are a number of people here in orange shirts in support of H.R. 676, sponsored by John Conyers.

They had a banner too, but I missed the chance to take the picture. I guess it's not super crowded here now, there are places to sit.
4:01 P.M. Paula is totally making the most of the chance to be a Dean groupie, with YDAtl friend Catherine Smith:

YDAtl financial friends A Capella Books are providing the printed materials for this event. At some point these updates will fall to a lull until the book signing is over, but hey, something exciting could happen in the next hour (like a martini).
4:26 P.M. The dreaded Last Call has been issued - for books, that is. Governor Dean is posing for some photo ops with a medium sized handful (melts in your mouth, not in your hand) of the folks still here. Not sure what's next, but this ain't the end of this post - stay tuned.
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