YDATL Blog NOTE: The opinions expressed by our individual bloggers are their own, and not necessarily those of Young Democrats of Atlanta.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Open Thread - September
John Roberts for Chief Justice. Hurricane Katrina was only half the problem. DaveFM DJ Barnes is an idiot. Karlbob Rovak is still not being prosecuted. What's getting your goat? This is the place to sound off; leave a comment!
Continuing this week's theme of meat-titled posts, here comes one from the Putting the Fox in Charge of the Henhouse file, something it seems the GOP loves to do. (Think of Bush's head of Climate Change Policy being a former oil lobbyist and now ExxonMobil exec; or charging the FTC, now headed by a former Chevron counsel, with investigating oil company profiteering in the wake of Katrina; making an oil/coal/gas lobbyist deputy secretary of the Interior Department; etc.)
In a much more mundane, yet local and sickly amusing, vein is the ruling this morning by a Cobb County judge that Rep. David Graves (R-Macon) cannot use the "discharging official duties" get-out-of-jail-free card to dismiss his arrest for DUI during the last General Assembly.
Rep. David Graves (R-Macon) tried to use an obscure provision in the state constitution to argue that he should not be prosecuted for a DUI he received in Vinings in February, during the 2005 session of the General Assembly. The centuries-old provision holds that a lawmaker cannot be arrested during sessions of the General Assembly, legislative committee meetings or while they're "in transit," except in cases of "treason, felony, or breach of the peace." Such provisions were generally written to protect lawmakers from political intimidation. Today, Cobb State Court Judge Irma B. Glover denied Graves' request to use the "legislative immunity" defense. Graves' attorney, William C. "Bubba" Head, immediately filed a motion to appeal the decision to the Georgia Supreme Court.
Bubba Head? You just can't make this stuff up. But wait, here's the punchline: Graves, who now has three DUI charges under his belt, is chairman of the House committee overseeing laws governing the alcohol industry.
They still don't get it. Right here in Georgia, Republican "leadership" has no clue about the daily demands and constraints faced by working class families. Mel over at Blog for Democracy correctly homes in on this point an AJC article:
Perdue asked for calm, yet many parents went into panic mode as they grappled with limited child care options. Some lined up baby sitters, others leaned on stay-at-home moms willing to help, while others decided to skip work or lug their kids to the office. [snip] Most private schools had decided by Saturday to stay open, and posted notices on their Web sites.
See, this whole "fuel saving" measure isn't an inconvenience at all...if you can afford private school or a live-in nanny.
I just got in from walking the dog and passed by a dejected looking girl from Grady High standing in the rain waiting for the infrequent #45 bus to go back home. And since I slept in this morning, I missed what is normally the main influx of students about an hour and change earlier, so who knows who else didn't get Sonny's memo on this drippy day.
The American Civil Liberties Union today filed a federal lawsuit in Atlanta on behalf of two vegan protesters who were subjected to imprisonment, arrest and harassment by Homeland Security officials, RAW STORY has learned. The lawsuit stems from a Dec. 2003 incident, when vegans Caitlin Childs and Christopher Freeman were protesting on public property outside a Honey Baked Ham store in Georgia's DeKalb County. After the protest, the duo noticed they were being watched and photographed by a man in an unmarked car. They approached the car and wrote down the make, model, color and license plate number on a piece of paper.
Long story short: the unmarked car (with a cop and a Homeland Security investigator inside) then followed them, ordered them out of their car, demanded the piece of paper, and arrested the two for refusing to cough it up. They were detained and finally released, but the officers kept the piece of paper and Caitlin Childs' housekeys! (wtf?)
From the surveillance photos, available through the ACLU: You see what I see, people? Yes. It's preposterous; outrageous; unbelievable. Gas really used to be $1.87!
So let's see: Homeland Security is in charge of FEMA, who sends trucks full of ice to Maine instead of New Orleans, and they're in charge of protecting us from terrorists, which we all know means vegans, violent lot they are.
No wonder the FBI is so concerned with these left-wing domestic "terror" groups, that do things like peacefully demonstrate against the war. I feel safer already.
Mad props to Rachel Maddow for keeping me ever informed.
The Commission on Federal Election Reform has released its report including a number of recommendations to improve and normalize the election process, and lucky us, Georgia got a shout out (holla!):
Georgia, for example, introduced a new law in July 2005 that requires all voters to show a government-issued phot ID at the polls. Although there are 159 counties, only 56 locations in the entire state issue such IDs, and citizens must either pay a fee for the ID or declare indigence.
[Emphasis mine]
The Commission goes on to recommend that "IDs should be easily available and issued free of charge." Hooray enfranchisement! However, they do give a serious nod to the national REAL ID as a model, which some in our party find very disturbing, comrade.
And speaking of police state, how's your posse comitatus? (Holla!) For those of you that weren't too busy being creeped out by W's reference to Katrina "[sweeping] the land clean" like the biblical flood purging the world of vermin, you might have gotten goosebumps about the new emphasis on military deployment in our society (which is necessary because, as all good Republicans will mindlessly parrot, federal government should not be expected to do anything and must be eliminated). So, rather than think about keeping our National Guard troops here to Guard our Nation (instead of watch an Iraqi civil war emerge), Sen. John Warner (R-VA, Armed Services Committee) wants to take a fresh look at the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 to see if it's still useful.
You know, it's funny how eager rightwingnuts are to scream "slippery slope" about any restriction on our right to bear assault weapons, but they're totally on solid ground when it comes to peeling away any other civil liberties. Maybe if we didn't let the state creep toward absolute power in bits and pieces like this, we wouldn't need such a liberal interpretation of the 2nd Amendment to ensure a heavily armed citizenry in order to confront a tyrranical government. Hmmmm.
Amazing the things you can grow to be this old without knowing, till you hear it from the liberal media. From, among many others, the Arizona Republic,
We could start by pointing out to school kids how the "one nation" part of the pledge becomes meaningless every time we talk about the "under God" part, which causes all kinds of divisions. Mostly among people who have no idea where the pledge came from or who wrote it. It wasn't Thomas Jefferson or James Madison. The Pledge of Allegiance was composed in 1892 by a Baptist minister and socialist named Francis Bellamy. The original pledge written by him read: "I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." The words "my flag" were changed to "the flag of the United States of America" in the 1920s. Congress added the words "under God" in 1954, when the greatest threat to the United States was the "godless" Soviet Union.
Now as a so-so practicing Catholic, I personally have no problem with the "under God" phrase and am inclined to look at certain litigious atheists as hysterical (I mean honestly, we have bigger First Amendment fish to fry when it comes to our government trying to establish a state religion, *cough* FEMA routing donors to Pat Robertson *cough*). But it is interesting to learn the recent history of something you might have thought "was always that way."
For those of you who missed Jon Stewart's coverage of the kickoff of John Roberts' confirmation hearing, check it out here (about 4 minutes). Coverage of Tom Coburn's weepy moment about halfway through is hilarious, given his oh-so-not-hateful claims that the gay agenda "is the greatest threat to our freedom that we face today." (Apparently, abortion is part of the gay agenda. I don't know what to say about that except if the gay community is having a rash of unwanted pregnancies, they're not doing it right.)
WHAT: Receive training on Wed., Sept. 14 to become an Election Day monitor on Sept. 20 and help investigate the impact of Georgia's new photo identification law which restricts the right to vote.
WHERE: The offices of Sutherland, Asbill and Brennan LLP, 999 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta. Come to the 27th Floor.
WHO: Georgia State Conference of NAACP Branches; ACLU Voting Rights Project and ACLU of Georgia; Georgia Coalition for the Peoples' Agenda; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; League of Women Voters, Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund (MALDEF)
WHY: On March 31, House Bill 244 passed the Georgia General Assembly and was signed into law by Gov. Sonny Perdue in April, reducing the various forms of identification that voters can use from 17 to six, and making government-issued photo identification absolutely required in order to vote.
The NAACP, the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus, the League of Women Voters, the Georgia ACLU, AARP and dozens of other religious, community, government, civil rights and community groups opposed this legislation because it will result in discrimination against elderly, low income, minority and student voters. That is because many members of these demographic groups lack drivers licenses, or don't possess birth certificates other costly documentation - such as a U.S. passport - that is required for them to obtain a state-issued identification card. Despite broad based opposition the U.S. Department of Justice allowed the law to go into effect on August 26.
On Sept. 20, 2005, there will be a series of special elections across more than 30 counties in Georgia, (including Cobb and Habersham, near metro Atlanta) and voters without proper photo identification will be turned away from the polls. Other elections in Macon, Augusta also elsewhere will be monitored.
Election Day volunteers are urgently needed to monitor the polls in Cobb and Habersham Counties on Sept. 20 to investigate the possible discriminatory impact of Georgia's photo ID law. We need your help! As part of this effort there will be a special two-hour training session at the offices of Sutherland, Asbill and Brennan, 999 Peachtree Street NE in Atlanta from 5-7p.m. on Wednesday, September 14. The event is free and open to the public.
If you can participate, please RSVP to dlevitas@aclu.org, and tell him that you are a member of the Atlanta Area Democrats group.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Tisha Tallman, MALDEF: (678) 559-1071 [tallman@maldef.org ] Daniel Levitas, ACLU Voting Rights Project: 404-523-2721 x 231 [ dlevitas@aclu.org ]
As you know many hurricane Katrina victims have arrived in Atlanta. I received this information from Michael Thurmond’s office as a result of my service to Fulton County’s Workforce Investment Board. I am pleased to share it with you and hop you will forward it along to others. The following opportunity is being provided for “Any college student displaced from Hurricane Katrina wishing to continue their education may attend Georgia State University for a maximum of $100.00. This price includes all mandatory fees, late fees and tuition”!
“This is only the second week of school, so they will not have missed much. This offer is for the fall semester only. If they are interested in enrolling immediately, please note the following information”:
DeAnna Hines Assistant Vice President for University Relations Georgia State University 404-651-3025
Report to: The Office of Admissions Sparks Hall 200 located at the corner of Gilmer and Courtland Streets.
============================================================= POLITICAL COCKTAILS
We are proud to announce our next event:
Political Cocktails: Metropolitans Connect September 19, 2005 | 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Vision Night Club and Bar 1068 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Log onto: http://www.PoliticalCocktails.com This will be the largest social and political gathering of its kind that Atlanta has ever seen! We encourage you to register online. Dress code will be strictly enforced. Register/RSVP Online =============================================================
The Dekalb County Young Democrats and the Young Democrats of Emory University will host a Community Forum on Young People Running for Elected Office. This special event will take place at the White Hall Auditorium at Emory University on Wednesday September 28th at 7pm.
Featured panelists will include State Representative Stephanie Stuckey Benfield, Decatur City Commissioner Kecia Cunningham, District Attorney Gwen Keyes, and State Representative Alisha Thomas Morgan. Please join our group of excited young Democrats as we hear and learn from this distinguished panel of guests. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, visit www.dekalbyd.com.
Tim Cairl President, Dekalb Young Democrats www.dekalbyd.com
Joe Barton - TX Jeff Flake - AZ Virginia Foxx - NC Scott Garrett - NJ John Hostettler - IN Steve King - IA Butch Otter - ID Ron Paul - TX James Sensenbrenner - WI Tom Tancredo - CO Lynn Westmoreland - GA
From: SHEILA JONES, State Representative, District 44 404-542-8683 info@sheilajones.org
Families in Need of Help, Update 2 Tuesday, September 06, 2005
To locate someone: www.stream.gatech.edu/katrina
Shopping for Clothing - Suggestion: If you want to shop for a large family, contact the family and have them to give you a listing of the sizes of all family members. Then take the list and shop for the family, or take the list and one or two of the family members to get clothes from 818 Pollard Street (near the Stad ium), 404-658-9675. We were able to get clothing for 3 families at one time when we had the family to give us a listing of each family members’ size: shirt, pants, shoes.
Sheila Jones, 404-542-8683 State Representative, District 44
1. Mary LeCoq & Joyce, a family of 10 are living in Clayton County until September 9th, 504-261-6565 There’s a total of 10 in this family 6 adults: 4 children (3 girls: ages 5, 10 and 13; 1 boy: age 17)
They are in need of money for gas No agency has made any money available to this family. They are staying at the shelter at the Georgia Tech Coliseum
2. Tanja Collingsworth and her two sons (14 months & 11 years old) They are in need of money for her van. They are staying with a relative in Douglasville for as long as the relative will have them. While driving from New Orleans to Atlanta, Tanja picked up another family; this family is also staying with Tanya’s relative in Douglasville. If you are able to provide assistance to them, please call 770-926-9899.
3. Ayana is living at the AmeriSuites South on Sullivan Road, Room 104. There is a total of 11 family members: 7 adults, 2 teens, and 2 children. They are looking for assistance with housing. AT this time they are staying in 2 rooms at the hotel for 30 days. If you are able to help them financially or in any other way, please contact the family.
4. Karen Thomas. This is a family of 11 (5 adults and 6 children: 2 girls: ages 6 and 7; 3 boys: ages 2, 3, and 5) They are asking for a place to stay. At this time they are living at the shelter that is located at 240 Maynard Terrace (in the 7th Day Adventist Church). Take I-20 East, exit Maynard Terrace, turn left onto Maynard Terrace.
Update 2: 9/5/06 – Pastor Gbolahan of Helping Hand World Vision in Norcross moved this family into Microtel Inn, 5300 South Cobb Drive in Smyrna. Karen’s e mail address: thkarenann@aol.com (she will try to check it whenever she can)
5. A family of 10. The mother and her 2 sons and her granddaughter along with her sister, the sister’s 2 daughters, 2 granddaughters and nephew). They are in need of money for gas and food. They are staying with a relative. To provide financial assistance or find out how you can assist this family call DeLinda Jerome 678-526-1489, in Lithonia.
6. Chelita Hays, there are 9 family members: her mother, grandmother (who is in a wheelchair), her father (who has prostate cancer), her sister, her uncle (who has diabetes), her grandfather, great grandmother aunt. They are staying at the Super 8 Hotel, 6650 Bay Circle in Norcross. They are scheduled to check out of the hotel at 11am on Saturday, September 3rd. They are trying to get money to extend their stay at this hotel. If not, they will try to check into the shelter at the 7th Day Adventist Church located at 240 Maynard Terrace.
This family is asking for assistance. Her grandfather is trying to continue to receive his monthly check. They drove the grandfather to S.S. office to see if he could continue receiving his check while here in Atlanta, but he was told that he has to first get an address, they will not mail it to a hotel or to a church.
7. Jackie Wright is here with her husband and 4 children (boys: 2 and 11; girls: 5 and 9). Her husband wears a 4X shirt, and 43 pants, shoe size is 11 ½ - 12. They are asking for assistance with clothing. In looking through the many bags of clothing, the father was unable to find clothing in his size.
The mother asked for help in locating her son who lives in the Atlanta area. She wants to let her son know that she is in Atlanta. The last time she talked with her son was 5 months ago, his name is Juwon Burdette and she believes he lives on 5 Points Drive.
8. Terry Randall has 10 fami ly members in her party. There are 4 adults and 6 children – 2 girls ages 7 and 14; 4 boys ages, 5, 8, 9 and 10. They are all living in a 1 bedroom studio over a garage in Snellville off Hwy 24. Terry is asking for assistance with a job, she has worked in Medical billing and has done house sitting. If you can assist this family in any way, call 678-344-7446.
The father is Vietnam Vet (63 years old, he is a diabetic and had triple bypass surgery 2 years ago). He will be needing assistance with transportation to get his free medication at the V.A. facility.
9. Terri Robinson (504-272-4286). There are 26 people in this family. They are staying at Motel 6 on Delk Road in Room 331. They were in 2 rooms, but because of financial reasons, they had to down size to 1 room. They are in need of money for gas, and money to continue to stay in this motel. If you are able to provide housing, or pay for them to stay additional days at the ho tel, please contact the family.
Update 2: There are now 13 family members here at the hotel; the other 13 went to stay with family members in another part of Georgia. They are in rooms 235, 237, 227, 225
10. Denise Cardies Zardies, this is a family of 17 – greatgrandmother and her family. Denise and her sister Wanda were on Section 8 in New Orleans, are asking for help in getting on Section 8 here in Georgia. This family is staying at the Georgia Tech Coliseum.
11. Phillip Brock, Jr., his wife Leah, and 2 sons (22 and 23 years) are staying at Motel 6 – 920 Bob Arnold Blvd in Lithia Springs 678-945-0606, room 206. This family is very low on funds, they have two vehicles and 2 dogs. They are asking for money for food and gas. Phillip and Brock are asking for financial assistance: They want to drive to Texas to pick up their other son, and drive to California to stay with Leah’s family. Their two sons will be staying in Atlanta, and are seeking employment.
12. Norman Penn, a family of 9; there are 6 adults and 3 children: one girl – age 2; boys – 2 and 5 years. Norma is looking for a job in the culinary profession, he has 6 years experience. He is living at the GA Tech Coliseum. You can go the Coliseum to reach him. Leave a message at the desk or on the message wall if he is not there.
13. Wilbert & Shirby Bennet (504-481-7921) are living in Norcross/Gwinnett County with Shirby’s brother. To assist financially with food, gas or clothing, call Osborne at 770-416-8965.
14. Crystal Creecy is providing housing for her mother, grandmother, and her brother. They live in Fairburn. Constance Creecy has 35 years teaching the 3rd grade. She would like a job teaching or working as a substitute teacher. She lives near Evelyn West Elementary School, and she has her own transportation. To assist with clothing or provide financial assistance, call 770-964-7985.
15. Kimberly Williams (a single mother with a 2 year old daughter and 8 year old daughter) is housing her mother, father, her sister (Jacqueline), and brother in law (Herman). Jacqueline has a CDL license and is seeking employment – she has no car. Herman has a chauffer’s license – he has no car. They are on the bus line. Mother and father are retired. They are living in Riverdale/Clayton County. To provide assistance call 770-875-4881.
16. Lillie Brady is here with her husband (Joseph); daughter (Jacqueline) & son in law (Herman); and grand daughter (Brittany, age 19). They are living in Riverdale near the airport. They are staying with Lillie’s other daughter Kimberly Williams. Kimberly and Lillie has a car. To assist call 770-907-0733.
17. Bobby Johnson and his family of 8 are staying at Motel 6 Studio - 2360 Delk Road in Marietta 30067. This Motel is connected to the Motel 6. The phone number to the motel is 770-952-2395 and the fax number is 770-984-2307. There are 5 adults, two girls (ages 5 and 7) and a 10 month boy. Bobby is looking for work as a building engineer. I just called the hotel (9/6/05 at 9:23a), the desk clerk said that the family is still there, but the room is under someone’s name who paid the hotel room for a few days. The clerk will call me back to give me the room number. If you can provide assistance, go to the Motel or call the Motel.
18. Yvonne Bacchu, her sister Susan Zander, and Susan’s son Chad Zander found a Condo in Riverdale, GA. They have received free rent for two months. Yvonne has asked if someone can provide 3 beds or 3 mattresses. Chad is a recent grad from Tuskegee University, he has a degree in Animal Science and is seeking employment. To assist, call Denyse at 770-907-9412 or 678-485-4251, who will get the message to them because their cell numbers are not working: Susan’s cell 504-606-4406, Yvonne’s cell 504-231-1983.
19. Donald Williams is staying at Motel 6 on Delk Road (770-952-8161, room 325). He recently got an apartment on Bentley Road in Century 21 Apartments. The family consists of his brother in law, his two brothers, sister, 2 nieces. His mother was here, but he flew her to another state to stay with family members. He is also trying to pay for his sister to get here from Louisiana. He is asking for assistance with pots, pans and dishes. He has worked as an accountant and is seeking work as an accountant or any thing. His email is donaldwilliams12000@yahoo.com
20. Roshundal Collins has a family of 8 adults, with girls ages 1, 1, 14, and 16; boys ages 4, 7, 12, 13, and 18). They are in the Motel 6 on Delk Road (770-952-8161 in rooms 345, 347, and 349. The cost is $44 nightly. The adults are looking for employment.
21. Germaine Vantress – family of 8: 4 Adults (2 females & 2 males); 4 girls (7, 8, 10, 14). St aying at Motel 6 in Room 359. Need assistance for food and clothing. They have no transportation. Germaine is looking for employment, her experience is Medical billing and Coding, Medical Assistance, Patient Care Assistant
22. Donna Willis – family of 3: (2 adults, 1 male 78 years and Donna 42) and 17 year old girl. Staying at Motel 6 on Delk Road, room 359. Need assistance with clothing. Donna is looking for employment – food service experience.
23. Matthew Mattio – family of 3: (male 54 years; females 52 years and 82 years). Mattio is looking for work, he has experience as a cook. They need assistance with clothing and to pay hotel.
24. Katina Jones – family of 3: (female 32); girl 6 years and 17 years. Staying at Motel 6 on Delk Road in Room 181. They have transportation. Asking for assistance with clothing for children and shoes: shoe size 12. Need assistance with clothing and shoes for adults, Shoe size 6 ½ to 7. Would like assistance paying for room and gas.
25. Edward Wiles & Wife – family of 4: (2 adults: 40 & 38 years); girl 10 years, boy 7 years. They are now staying in a 1 room studio apartment on Roosevelt Hwy in Union City. His cell is 225-571-0393. He is asking for $75 to finish paying his rent of $125.00 per week; he has paid $50. He is asking for financial assistance until he gets his check – he has started working at a tire company within walking distance from his apartment. If you have clothes or can assist with clothing let them know.
26. Stacy Jones and Gail Langford (this is a male and female couple) are staying at the Adventist Shelter, 410 Maynard Terrace (I-20E, exit Maynard Terrace). They have no money and no transportation. They are trying to get home to Hattiesburg, Mississippi. There is an elderly parent there who is ok, but needs them home. If you can assist, call them at 404-377-8817.
27. Kazell Weems – famil y of 16. 11 adults. Five children: boys 4, 7, 10, 12; girl 15 years. Celeste Poole is 87 years old, who how has been provided a wheelchair. Barbara Greene, who is 76, needs to get chemotherapy treatment. They are staying at the Sleep Inn of Marietta (the address is 1175 Powers Ferry Place, behind the Howard Johnson, off of Delk Road). [This hotel is directly across from the Motel 6]: I called the room (9/6/05 11:20am) and spoke with Mrs. Poole, but she said that she does not know how their hotel room has been paid. Call them if you can provide assistance, 770-952-9005, Room 320.
28. April Banks and her husband Lee (504-236-9081) are here with a family of 14: there are 12 adults and 2 boys: 3months and 4 years old. April has high blood pressure and is in need of medicine: procardin, 10 mg 4times a day. Lee is a licensed barber and is looking for employment. Grandmother in need of 4X clothing; bras 54D, shoes 10W or 10M. The Grandmother wentto the Diabetes Association and received 1 month of insulin. She has high blood pressure, congested heart failure and is a diabetic. The Uncle (Guy) has cerebral palsy. Uncle Corey is asking for shirts – size 4X and pants size 54. Uncle Mario is in need of shirts size 4X (I don’t have his pants size). Lee wears 32 pants and XL shirt. All of the men are asking for underwear (Lee wears medium underwear). They have plenty of baby items. The 4 year old is in need of shoes, size 10, and clothes – size 5. I was told that the grandmother really needs clothing. Tini (female) has worked as a certified nurse’s assistant for 10+ years and is looking for employment. Corey & Aaron has done work in the carpentry field (counter tops and marble flooring). April has worked at Dillard’s as a Sales Associate; she is seeking employment and has computer skills. If you can assist this family, they are at the Comfort Inn – 4330 Fulton Industrial Blvd, Atlanta 30 336. Housing has been made available starting 9/6/05 for 8 of them in Douglasville. The remaining 4 April, Lee and the 2 children are asking for assistance with housing – they would like to live close to the others who have been promised housing in Douglasville. Call the hotel if you can assist 404-505-8880, room 524.
29. Ebony Baines (22) and her grandfather are staying here with a friend of the grandfather in Jonesboro 30238. She is trying to transfer to GSU from Xavier University. Her sister (18) was rescued the other day through the roof of a building and was flown to TX, she believes San Anton, and is now in Nevada. She is asking for assistance to get her sister here with them. She asked for a discount or a pass to get her sister here. She would like to get assistance with her own housing (1BR) in the Atlanta/Fulton area. Ebony is seeking employment, she can type 40 wpm. 504-439-0832 or 504-920-1778.
30. Mary Brown has a fam ily of 4 – 2 adults and 2 grandchildren 4 & 6 years of age. They are staying at the Georgia Tech Coliseum Shelter. They have no transportation. Her husband, Robert, was trying to get the family out of the house, but the water so strong, he couldn’t get the door open. He cut his thumb trying to get them out - he was taken to Kingston hospital when he got here – poison has set in (per Mary Brown). A lady from Jackson Memorial took her to church and to visit her husband on Sunday. She has no transportation. She would like a place for them to live, and she is seeking employment. She worked at Wal-Mart.
31. Jeanetta Sly is here with a family of 6: girl age 21; boys 2, 6, 12; twin boys ages 14) They have transportation, but she said they need help with gas because they have been driving all around trying to get assistance. They are staying with a friend in DeKalb. She has applied for food stamps. To assist, call the friend in DeKalb at 678-508-9540.
32. Agulando Miller – a family of 5. He is here with his fiancé’, Susan, his daughter and 2 grand children: two boys: 1 ½ years and 3 years. They are staying with a friend of the daughter in Mableton. They have transportation. Susan has worked as a hotel supervisor and is looking for employment. They are asking for assistance in getting their own place. To assist: cell 678-612-7216; home 770-944-7867.
33. Jason Skinner and Torey 504-415-6774 is looking for a 2BR apartment – Decatur is his 1st choice. He is asking for assistance in getting brakes for his car, and money.
34. Josh Kemp – two (19 & 21). They are staying at the Ramada Inn in Gwinnett, room 250. Their room is paid until Saturday Sept. 10th. They have no car. He is asking for assistance in transferring from Southern University to Ga Tech, he is a Freshman. To assist 678-598-5252.
35. Nina (18) and Kelvin (23), picked up the 18 year old on the side of the road trying to get out of New Orleans. This is a party of 3. Kelvin Hunter has done hazmat/abatement work and is looking for work, and Nina has worked as a waitress. They are looking for a 2 BR place. Their phone is working, to contact them: 504-415-6774.
36. Torey Coleman has now moved into his own apartment in Decatur on Clairmont Road. He is asking for assistance with dishes, a sofa, a bed, and if possible a tv and furniture. 504-609-4969.
37. Lance Cordova Sr, and his wife are here with their son Lance Jr (age 6). They have their own transportation. They are at the Comfort Inn on Fulton Industrial. Would like assistance with clothes for Lance, Jr (I was told that he is tall for his age).
38. Mike Davis, and two sons (3 years of age, size 5) and (9 years of age, size 12), would like clothing for the children. Comfort Inn, Room 513 on Fulton Industrial Blvd.
39. Grandmother Marva 68years old (stated that s he sits in the lobby at Comfort Inn daily from noon to 10p). She doesn’t have any shoes at all, she is wearing a soft cast on her leg and feet. She said she would like some slippers, probably size 11 1/2W or size 12. She would like a robe – size 3X or 4X, and a pair of pajamas. The other grandmother, Marjorie (78 years old) would like slippers – size 9. You will find her sitting in the lobby with Grandmother Marva. Sheila has asked for a robe size 1X and slippers – size 9. This is a family of 10 (9 adults and a girl 17 years old). They are in rooms 407, 111, 113, and 516. Marjorie is in room 111 and Marva is in room 113. Someone in the family has transportation. They have all received medication since they have been here. Sheila has worked as a pre-school teacher and is seeking employment. Comfort Inn 404-505-8880. Grandmother Marva stated that there are a lot of people at the hotel and that if anyone wanted to bring food or coordinate anyonewith the people staying at Comfort Inn to contact Jai, who is in her family, she is in room 407.
Additional Shelters Adventist Community Response Center, 240 Maynard Terrace Directions: (From downtown Atlanta: I-20East, Exit Maynard Terrace, turn Left, the church shelter is on the right). Contact Caroline Watkins, Cell: 404-438-2320; Shelter has 32 beds They are in need of the free standing room dividers Mr. Hackney has asked assistance in getting another Waste Management Dumpster at the site
St. Paul United Methodist Church, 501 Grant Street (Atlanta 30312) Directions: From downtown Atlanta: I-20 East, exit Boulevard, Turn Left, go to Memorial Drive and turn left; go to Hill Street and turn left; cross Interstate I-20, and turn left onto Sydney Street. It is located at the corner of Sydney and Grant) Contact Rev. Susannah Davis, 404-688-7501
================================================= FIRST EMAIL FROM SHEILA ================================================= September 3, 2005
Dear Pastors and Friends:
I know that many of us have made contributions to organizations to assist families who have been hit by hurricane Katrina. For the past three days, I have been going to the shelter at Adamsville Recreation Center, to assist the families who are here from the Gulf Coast. I’ve talked with many of the families to see how I may be able to assist them.
There are many families who are in need of financial assistance now. The organization has not made cash available to them. I made a cash contribution to a family of four, who are staying in a hotel and had run out of money - the mother told me she just wanted to be able to get a hotmeal for her family for the next few days. Their money going into the cost of the hotel and paying for gas as they were driving around seeking assistance.
Will your congregation, family, sorority, fraternity, community group or organization take up a collection and give it directly to the families who are here. These families have not received any financial assistance, and are in need of financial assistance now.
Perhaps you can help to feed one of these families, help with clothing or help them with gas. I’ve personally talked with these families and they are appreciative for the shelter that has been provided. Please see how your can get financial donations to these families.
The Adamsville shelter was closed on Friday evening, and the families are now living at the Georgia Tech Coliseum. There is another shelter at 240 Maynard Terrace (off of I-20 East). When your congregation or organization take up a financial collection, will you take part of the collection to assist some of these families now. Thank you, for what ever you can do to assist the following families,
Sheila Jones, 404-542-8683 State Representative, District 44
1. Mary LeCoq & Joyce, a family of 10 are living in Clayton County until September 9th 504-261-6565 There’s a total of 10 in this family 6 adults 4 children (3 girls: ages 5, 10 and 13; 1 boy: age 17)
They are in need of money for gas No agency has made any money available to this family. They are staying at the shelter at the Georgia Tech Coliseum
2. Tanja Collingsworth and her two sons (14 months & 11 years old) They are in need of money for her van. They are staying with a relative in Douglasville for as long as the relative will have them. While driving from New Orleans to Atlanta, Tanja picked up another family; this family is also staying with Tanya’s relative in Douglasville. If you are able to provide assistance to them, please call 770-926-9899.
3. Ayana is living at the AmeriSuites South on Sullivan Road, Room 104. There is a total of 11 family members: 7 adults, 2 teens, and 2 children. They are looking for assistance with housing. AT this time they are staying in 2 rooms at the hotel for 30 days. If you are able to help them financially or in any other way, please contact the family.
4. Karen Thomas. This is a family of 11 (5 adults and 6 children: 2 girls: ages 6 and 7; 3 boys: ages 2, 3, and 5)
They are asking for a place to stay. At this time they are living at the shelter that is located at 240 Maynard Terrace (in the 7th Day Adventist Church). Take I-20 East, exit Maynard Terrace, turn left onto Maynard Terrace.
5. A family of 10. The mother and her 2 sons and her granddaughter along with her sister, the sister’s 2 daughters, 2 granddaughters and nephew). They are in need of money for gas and food. They are staying with a relative. To provide financial assistance or find out how you can assist this family call DeLinda Jerome 678-526-1489.
6. Chelita Hays, there are 9 family members: her mother, grandmother (who is in a wheelchair), her father (who has prostate cancer), her sister, her uncle (who has diabetes), her grandfather, great grandmother aunt. They are staying at the Super 8 Hotel, 6650 Bay Circle in Norcross. They are scheduled to check out of the hotel at 11am on Saturday, September 3rd. They are trying to get money to extend their stay at this hotel. If not, they will try to check into the shelter at the 7th Day Adventist Church located at 240 Maynard Terrace.
This family is asking for assistance. Her grandfather is trying to continue to receive his monthly check. They drove the grandfather to S.S. office to see if he could continue receiving his check while here in Atlanta, but he was told that he has t o first get an address, they will not mail it to a hotel or to a church.
7. Jackie Wright is here with her husband and 4 children (boys: 2 and 11; girls: 5 and 9). Her husband wears a 4X shirt, and 43 pants, shoe size is 11 ½ - 12. They are asking for assistance with clothing and the mother stated that they are really thirsty and hungry.
The mother asked for help in locating her son who lives in the Atlanta area. She wants to let her son know that she is in Atlanta. The last time she talked with her son was 5 months ago, his name is Juwon Burdette and she believes he lives on 5 Points Drive.
8. Terry Randall has 10 family members in her party. There are 4 adults and 6 children – 2 girls ages 7 and 14; 4 boys ages, 5, 8, 9 and 10. They are all living in a 1 bedroom studio over a garage in Snellville off Hwy 24. Terry is asking for assistance with a job, she has worked in Medical billing and has done house sitting. If you can assis t this family in any way, call 678-344-7446.
The father is Vietnam Vet (63 years old, he is a diabetic and had triple bypass surgery 2 years ago). He will be needing assistance with transportation to get his free medication at the V.A. facility.
9. Terri Robinson (504-272-4286). There are 26 people in this family. They are staying at Motel 6 on Delk Road in Room 331. They were in 2 rooms, but because of financial reasons, they had to down size to 1 room. They are in need of money for gas, and money to continue to stay in this motel. If you are able to provide housing, or pay for them to stay additional days at the hotel, please contact the family.
10. Denise Cardies, this is a family of 17 – greatgrandmother and her family. Denise and her sister Wanda were on Section 8 in New Orleans, are asking for help in getting on Section 8 here in Georgia. This family is staying at the Georgia Tech Coliseum.
11. Phillip Brock, Jr., his wife Leah, and 2 sons (22 and 23 years) are staying at Motel 6 – 920 Bob Arnold Blvd in Lithia Springs 678-945-0606, room 206. This family is very low on funds, they have two vehicles and 2 dogs. They are asking for money for food and gas. Phillip and Brock are asking for financial assistance: They want to drive to Texas to pick up their other son, and drive to California to stay with Leah’s family. Their two sons will be staying in Atlanta, and are seeking employment.
As posted at our atlantademocrats.org website yesterday, Cindy will be coming to Atlanta this weekend as part of a national tour. To make sure everyone knows about it, I'm also blasting out e-notices. She will do three appearances, but the main event is Sat., 9/10. Details:
** CINDY SHEEHAN IN ATLANTA SATURDAY, SEPT. 10, 7 â 9 PM VICTORY CHURCH 1170 N. Hairston Rd., Stone Mountain GA 30083 Easy to reach: 15 minutes east of downtown Decatur East 78 (Stone Mt. Expressway): Exit Mt. Indust. Blvd; R 1.4 miles (Mt. Indust. becomes N. Hairston) East I 20: Exit Moreland Ave. North; R .1 mi; R on Memorial Dr. 10 mi, L on N. Hairston .8 mi.
Camp Casey Comes to Atlanta Program: Members of Military Families Speak Out, Gold Star Families for Peace, and Veterans for Peace will share the truth about Iraq and inspire us to take action:
More than ever, we say Bring the Troops Home Now! Money for Hurricane Relief, Not War and Occupation!
** Or join fellow Atlantans also on Friday--Cindy would appreciate a good crowd to show support:
Welcome Camp Casey Press Conference Friday, Sept. 9, 10 am Atlanta City Hall Atrium
May have a memorial procession after the press conference before joining the Georgia Peace Coalition Friday Colony Square Rally noon to one.
** Sunday, Sept. 10, 10-11 am Camp Casey Program UUCA (Unitarian Congregation) 1911 Cliff Valley Way, Atlanta 30329 www.uuca.org
The âBring Them Home Now Tourâ comes to Atlanta just as the true cost of the Iraq War is made devastatingly clear with the death and destruction from Hurricane Katrina. Millions needed for flood control financed the invasion and occupation. Thousands of National Guard troops who could have saved lives on the Gulf Coast were in Iraq.
Local organizers include the Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition/Atlanta, Atlanta International Action Center, Georgia Coalition for the Peopleâs Agenda, Operation LEAD, Gold Star Families for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, Veterans for Peace Chapter 125, and Atlanta WAND.
See http://www.georgiapeace. org/ for more information. See http://www.bringthemhome nowtour.org/ for national tour information.
Linda Edmonds, Organizer/Director Atlanta Area Democrats
Most of you are already getting barraged with emails of opportunity to help...but here are some more anyway! First, some info funneled up from a few of our members:
================ My gym is located in the Adamsville Recreation Center in Atlanta. The American Red Cross asked Mayor Shirley Franklin to open the center as a designated shelter for those women, men and children who evacuated from Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.
While visiting the gym this morning, I had the opportunity to speak with Mayor Franklin and she shared with me some of the need of the people in the shelter. She indicated that she wants to provide more than just shelter, but assist with getting the more than 60 children in school, so she has people from the Atlanta School System on site and the Mayor also wants to assist with locating employment for the adults. There are about 300 people in the shelter this morning.
The mayor has deployed her staff, staff from the Atlanta Workforce Development Agency and numerous other city support service agencies to the center to assist the evacuates.
Mayor Franklin mentioned that people can assist by donating the following items: *Underwear *Socks for women, men and children *Packages of Diapers *Work clothes for women , men and children *Shoes for women, men and children *Clothes for children *Packages of Water *Packages of Juice *Packages of Toiletries
The Adamsville Recreation Center is located at 3201 Martin Luther King Drive SW at 285. The telephone number at the Adamsville Recreation Center is 404 505 3181
You can also call the Red Cross Volunteer Hotline at 404 870 4425, American Red Cross Disaster Call Center 404 870 4440, Salvation 770 441 6200, ext 148 Atlanta Workforce Development Agency 404 658 6312, Ms. Deborah Lum Let me know if you have questions. Mary Long
YDG Pres Billy Joyner is helping out over in Chamblee, and they want
Baby Food Clorox wipes Wash cloths Towels Bedding supplies - NEW pillows, CLEAN blankets, etc. Paper towels Calling cards Socks Underware Diapers Wet wipes Juice boxes Ready to drink baby formula Feminine hygiene products Batteries (AA, AAA)
Bring to- Chamblee United Methodist Church 4147 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd Atlanta, Ga. 30341 (just inside the parameter on Chamblee Dunwoody road)
Beyond supplies, we'll call you when we know exactly what our needs are and when you can help. Thanks so much! -b
Billy Joyner President Young Democrats of Georgia 404.314.7472
Jara Butler's coordinating help for one family in particular:
info: a family of 20 plus including ten kids need help. They are staying @ studio6 in roswell. If you can help..call me at 678-570-4254. jara
Atlanta Democrats coordinator Linda Edmonds sent this along:
Our Atlanta Red Cross Headquarters is overwhelmed - emails are pouring in, phones ringing, info to be copied, etc., as they try to process the hundreds of Katrina evacuees who have come to the Atlanta area and are applying for emergency cash for fuel, transportation, meals, over-the-counter medications, etc. They are working around the clock, and desperately need volunteer "family caseworkers" who act as the bridge between the evacuees and emergency funds. The caseworker processes each claim, takes notes and assesses how much each family needs to survive temporarily.
The Atlanta Red Cross is holding a four-hour training class each day, trying to produce an army of caseworkers. It teaches techniques necessary to deal with the displaced families, who may still be in shock.
If you can't do that, maybe you can simply help a few hours with the hundreds of phone messages flooding our beleagured Red Cross. To find out more about what you can do to help, call 404-870-4440 or go to http://www.atlantaredcross.org.
The current stand-in for Rachel Maddow on Air America Radio, Isaac-Davy Aronson, said it best: this isn't about finger-pointing, this isn't The Blame Game, this is about government accountability. While rescue and recovery efforts are paramount, we would be derelict in our duties as government watchdogs and political activists if we didn't point out what went wrong while the Bush administration continues to present its "Everybody's working very hard, nobody could have anticipated this, please be patient" face to the public. The shortcomings in the ongoing response after the storm will be investigated when there is time in the near future; however, there have been enough mistakes made leading up to this disaster to call into serious doubt this administration's ability to protect its citizens.
In the 2004 election season, Republicans kept flaming fears of terrorism and the "axis of evil" so that they could hammer, hammer, hammer away at their dubious claim: vote for us, only we can keep you safe. The aftermath of hurricane Katrina clearly, ultimately, and definitely expose that claim to be A BLATANT LIE. This disaster looks to put 9/11 in its shadow in terms of human lives and economic costs, and the policies of this administration have served to make the problem WORSE.
If you want to start screaming that the sky is falling, by all means, go ahead! You can go back up the chain of events as far as the genesis of Hurricane Katrina itself. Do you think that the Republican anti-environmentalists might finally start taking global climate change seriously? Now, this humble blogger isn't accusing the Republicans of causing a Category 4-and-a-half hurricane, but there's a pretty obvious connection between the fact that ocean surface temperatures are on the rise, and that this makes meaner storms. It ain't rocket science, but this not-so-humble aerospace engineer will tell you it's a very short line between enthalpy and vorticity.
Not ready to take on Republican anti-environmentalism in the Global Warming arena? Alright then, try reading this chilling article released from the Louisiana Governor's Office just a month before the storm, begging George Bush (tragically too late) to address the erosion of the coastal wetlands. These wetlands act as a direct buffer to the storm, reducing the tidal surge height as it travels toward critical populated areas. "Repair the marshland or rebuild New Orleans," the report says. Disturbing.
On Thursday, Bush tried to play the same "What, me worry" card as his administration did after 9/11, telling Diane Sawyer, "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." LIES! Or is he just that ignorant of his own government's predictions? This exact scenario was highlighted by an early 2001 FEMA report as one of the top three disasters that could befall America. What else did they predict? A terrorist strike on NYC! What did the Bush administration say after that catastrophe? "I don't think anybody could have predicted that ... they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile," quoth Rice. And of course that was a LIE, too! But before we get distracted by history, let's just remember that he should have anticipated the flooding of New Orleans because it was his administration that gutted the funding of flood protection projects to pay for this Quixotic quest for non-existent WMD in Iraq. KEEPING US SAFE, INDEED! (London and Madrid bombings themselves breach the levees of Bush's claim that "taking the fight to the enemy" will keep them from hitting us at home.)
Don't worry, we don't need our National Guard; FEMA will come to the rescue, right? Haha, more lies! According to the King County, WA Office of Emergency Management Director,
The advent of the Bush administration in January 2001 signaled the beginning of the end for FEMA. The newly appointed leadership of the agency showed little interest in its work or in the missions pursued by the departed Witt. Then came the Sept. 11 attacks and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. Soon FEMA was being absorbed into the "homeland security borg."
And an NPR interview further elucidated the shift under the Bush administration of FEMA's time-spending priorities from about 75% toward disaster drills and training before Bush, to about 25% drills and training this year. Training, who needs that? KEEPING US SAFE, INDEED!
So to recap: this isn't just a blame game. This is about accountability! All throughout the War on Terror and this farce in Iraq, the Bush administration and Republicans across the board have fed us this ridiculous line that they were the only ones who could keep us safe. In this most predictable (and predicted) hour of need, their lies have been laid bare, and they have failed at their self-proclaimed specialty. They have no monopoly on keeping Americans safe -- they don't even have the ability to do so. The Bush administration's policies have made people less safe, and Louisiana is paying the price for their charade.
As most of you know my father is in New Orleans as hevis a city official and had to remain behind. On the streets things are getting quite ugly and grim because of the law and order situation that has developed. My father has made only one urgent request that I literally beg you to help with. Please call or email the offices of your governmental representatives and ask them to send and request help in the form of trained police (military and otherwise) IMMEDIATELY. The response to this desperate need has been minimal at best and this is beginning to have an even more detrimental effect than anyone could have anticipated.
Please make your voice heard at the governmental level as they are receiving NO help with this situation. City officials have been left behind with NO resources and the armed gangs are endangering the many thousands who have been able to survive thus far. Everything is urgent at this juncture but asking your reps to send help is one thing that can be done that does not cost anything. The police in New Orleans are no longer able to focus on rescue because of urgency of the law and order problem. I thank you for your help with this and ask that you request that your friends and family do the same.
Shirley Franklin, Mayor City of Atlanta 55 Trinity Avenue Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Tel: 404.330.6100 Fax: 404.658.6893 mayorfranklin@atlantaga.gov