Perdue asked for calm, yet many parents went into panic mode as they grappled with limited child care options. Some lined up baby sitters, others leaned on stay-at-home moms willing to help, while others decided to skip work or lug their kids to the office. [snip] Most private schools had decided by Saturday to stay open, and posted notices on their Web sites.
See, this whole "fuel saving" measure isn't an inconvenience at all...if you can afford private school or a live-in nanny.
I just got in from walking the dog and passed by a dejected looking girl from Grady High standing in the rain waiting for the infrequent #45 bus to go back home. And since I slept in this morning, I missed what is normally the main influx of students about an hour and change earlier, so who knows who else didn't get Sonny's memo on this drippy day.
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