NOTE: The opinions expressed by our individual bloggers are their own, and not necessarily those of Young Democrats of Atlanta.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Atlanta Young Democrats have PRIDE
I hope most people are aware that the annual Atlanta Pride festival, celebrating members of the GLBT community throughout the Southeast and beyond, took place this past weekend. The Young Democrats of Atlanta are always at the forefront of defending GLBT rights - after all, we were a big part of what stopped the anti-gay-adoption bill on Crossover Day - and of COURSE we wouldn't miss an opportunity to support our dear friends in the community, as well as to represent Democratic values of tolerance, inclusion, and yes, a bit of fun...

Fortunately the pictures of me are nowhere near this entry, but rest assured in the midst of the welcome break from the day-to-day toil of being political activists in Georgia, we reached out to potential voters:

All in all it was a great time for everyone, and we had the added warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that we were unafraid to show our support for HUMAN rights, something that some folks (like maybe the assclowns that stole our banner) know nothing about. Thanks to everyone who helped out - see you next year!
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posted by Ataru Atlanta at 6/27/2007 10:26:00 PM 2 comments

Sunday, June 10, 2007

YDAtl, SpaceyG, Chris Dodd pushing the nerd edge
As riveting as our first official Ustream broadcast might not have been, YDAtl got a nod on the official Ustream.tv blog for, along with presidential candidate Sen. Chris Dodd, bringing politics to what is arguably one of The Hot New Web Thingies of the season. Today, Grayson Daughters kicked it up a notch (or 19 notches, if we're counting viewers) by sharing the For the People Rally with those of us who couldn't make the trip.

I have visions of us plugging a Ustream of somebody awesome into that big screen TV in our meeting room at Manuel's Tavern. Let's keep it up.
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posted by Aerodad at 6/10/2007 06:52:00 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Help the Young Dems get to their National Convention, and Win a Trip for Yourself!

The Young Democrats of America biennial National Convention is taking place July 19-21 in Dallas. In order for a young democrat to go to Dallas, he or she faces the following costs:

Convention Registration = $60
Hotel Room (4 nights, 4 people to a room) = $155
Travel Cost (airline, bus, or car) = $100 - $300
Spending Money for Dallas = $200 ($50/day)

The grand total is $515-$715. For some of our members, this cost is doable with some savings. However, for a vast majority of our members, the costs are prohibitive, meaning that some of our best young talent simply cannot afford to go.

To help with these costs, the Young Democrats of Georgia announce their Prize Drawing Fundraising Program.

Staring today, YDG is selling $10 prize drawing tickets. The ticket sales will go through Saturday, June 30th. Ticket purchasers will have a chance to win one of two domestic travel vouchers that YDG is giving away. We will be drawing the tickets during a party at Manuel’s Tavern in Atlanta, July 13th.

Physical tickets will be sold throughout the state by YDG members. We have also set-it-up so that people can purchase tickets online (check out http://www.georgiayds.org/ !)

With the funds raised during the Prize Drawing Fundraiser, YDG will be able to pay for the registration fees as well as the hotel costs for its entire 37 member delegation!

Will you help the members of YDAtl get to their national convention? Purchase your prize drawing tickets today!

* * * * * * * * * * *
Are you a YDG member who is interested in going to the YDA National Convention? Even if you are just “thinking about it”, let Nicolette Allen, our VP of Finance know right away! She can get you set-up to sell prize drawing tickets!

We are requiring everyone who plans on attending the YDA National convention to sell at least 30 prize drawing tickets between now and June 30th. Its important that you let us know ASAP so that you can have enough time to meet your ticket sales quotas!

Please contact Nicolette at any time by email (vp_finance@georgiayds.org) or by phone (404-538-7262) and she will be happy to set you up!
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posted by Nicolette at 6/06/2007 08:30:00 PM 0 comments

Extremely interesting Ustream show

Or go interact via the chatroom at the show page.
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posted by Aerodad at 6/06/2007 06:59:00 PM 0 comments

Monday, June 04, 2007

Young Democrats open thread - who won the debate last night?
Hopefully y'all managed to catch the debate last night (if you wussed out, you can get something resembling a recap from Blog for Democracy). CNN seems to be leaning towards Biden as the strongest performer - and I have to agree, I thought Biden was (with only a couple of exceptions) excellent. I think Obama "won" in the sense that he did the most to keep on his message, but I also thought Edwards had a good performance. Hillary Clinton played it really safe and politically correct, which was probably what she was going for, but I wasn't impressed. Bill Richardson was much worse than he should have been - he just wasn't good at all, which is sad given his resume, and I thought the idea of boycotting the Olympics to pressure China was really silly.

What do YOU think? Who won the Pretzel Award? Are you sick of Dennis Kucinich yet? Is Chris Dodd that boring in real life? Are you closer or further away from deciding on a candidate for 2008? Did you groan out loud when they started talking about a draft?
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posted by Ataru Atlanta at 6/04/2007 10:06:00 AM 4 comments


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