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Thursday, October 06, 2005

It's gateway sex, you see
I understand now. It's not that Republicans think being homosexual itself is so dangerous; the problem is, it's gateway sex that opens the door to the harder, more destructive sex. Have you seen today's Creative Loafing?
"Even as I write this email, I have received information that a man in Washington State has died from the practice of beastiality [sic]. As we attempt to redefine our culture by seeking to redefine marriage as anything other than a union between one man and one woman, we open the door to every other immoral sin man can dream up! The far left is constantly at work to destroy sexual morality, faith and love of country."

Thank you, Senator Schaefer, for your concern!

(A warning to anyone already into bestiality: don't go home with any birds you don't know.)

In national news, consider that the hasn't-ever-vetoed-anything president is threatening to veto the defense spending bill -- THE spending bill of ALL bills this White House would just love to rubber stamp -- in the middle of a war no less, if a couple of Republican Senators get their way.
Q Let me ask one other question. Why does the President oppose Senator McCain's legislation to establish standards for interrogation of terrorists?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, there are already laws on the books, and so I think part of this, if you go back and look at the statement of administration policy that we put out, it would be unnecessary and duplicative. And it would limit the President's ability as Commander-in-Chief to effectively carry out the war on terrorism.

Q And will the President veto Senator McCain's legislation?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, we put out the statement of administration policy, which stated our concerns about that and stated -- let me specifically refer you to it -- our views when it came to if those amendments were part of the final legislation. It said, if it's presented, then there would be a recommendation of a veto, I believe.

"If you won't let us torture people, then we're not going to play, nyaaaaaah." Another outstanding example of how this is a good, Christian White House.
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posted by Aerodad at 10/06/2005 10:06:00 AM


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