YDATL Blog NOTE: The opinions expressed by our individual bloggers are their own, and not necessarily those of Young Democrats of Atlanta.
Monday, January 15, 2007
BEHOLD the power of SMO (Social Media Optimization)
As we speak, the words "Social Media Optimization" are becoming the new internet buzzwords - everyone is trying to figure out how to get random people to pass their message around. We busy YD Atlanta bees are working on all aspects of SMO - from content generation and distribution to making it easy for people to add our posts to link and content aggregators and such, like del.icio.us. Well, tonight we are PROUD to unveil the linkability of our posts in all its tasty goodness. See all those neat little icons under this post? Those are all one-click add-this-post-to-my-links or whatever else these services do for you. That little combo box is just like the icons, except that it encompasses just about every bookmarking service on the planet, all in a neat little space. Try it! If you don't use a bookmarking service, well, now might be a good time to sign up, because we're starting a trend here.
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