YDATL Blog NOTE: The opinions expressed by our individual bloggers are their own, and not necessarily those of Young Democrats of Atlanta.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Thank you, Chris Dodd
Say what you will about Chris Dodd's chances of winning the nomination, let alone the presidency, but I think the man deserves our gratitude for doing what the Democrats really should have been doing since the day George W. Bush took office - putting the brakes on when legislation comes through that deserves scrutiny, careful thought, and, in many cases, raucous laughter as it's booted out on its legislative ear. The reauthorization of FISA with immunity in place for the telecommunications companies that enabled the president's illegal wiretap operation should not pass. Dodd came off of the campaign trail to say exactly that, and his leadership, along with that of Russ Feingold, has kicked the reauthorization back until after the Congressional recess. While this is only a delay, it is still a change from the usual rubber stamp given to measures the administration deems crucial to our national security without providing (or even being asked to provide) any reason that that is the case. As I'm sure we all remember from when the warrantless wiretapping story broke, there was nothing in the existing FISA scheme to stop the administration from wiretapping terrorism suspects. The protections the law offered citizens were far from difficult to navigate - the White House just decided it didn't have to consider them at all. Instead of holding them accountable for their illegal activity, the Democratic majority rolled over and gave them temporary amendments that essentially gave legitimacy to the illegal wiretapping program. The passage of these amendments was an embarrassment. It was another case of capitulation for no discernible reason, something akin to folding with a full house. Just like so many times before, the majority acquiesced, perhaps hoping for favor from the administration in the future when the past has shown that such favor won't come. Thank you, Mr. Dodd, for finally showing us that we can have a spine, and for standing up for the rights of all Americans.
Less Than A Month To Go - How Do I Register To Vote?!?!
That’s right, the Presidential Preference Primary is right around the corner! And thanks to overzealous states, ours has been bumped up a month. That also means that registering to vote has been bumped up a month too! So how do you register? It’s Easy!
Option 1:
Are you moving before January 7th? Then registering is easy. When you make your dreaded visit to the DMV (or now DDS) and they ask if you’d like to register to vote, say YES! If you are changing your address via internet, like I did a few years ago, you can also register to vote; just click the correct radial button. Trust me, it is easy!
Option 2:
Show up to the next Business Meeting or FCDP Holiday Party! This Wednesday, I will be at the Fulton County Democratic Party Holiday Party armed with registration forms. I will also be at our meeting in January, just days before the deadline, with more forms.
Can’t make either. Then send me an email and I’ll make sure a form is in your hands before the deadline. If you choose this option, please do so many days before January 7th.
Option 3:
Online Options: Go to the Secretary of State’s Website before January 7th and download a voter registration form to mail to your County Board of Registrar's Office or Secretary of State's Office. Again, no postage necessary if mailed within the United States.
Option 4:
Any of these other locations before January 7th: Fulton County Government Center (141 Pryor Street, SW, Suite 4085, Atlanta, GA 30303), South Service Center (5600 Stonewall Tell Road, College Park, GA), North Service Center (7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, GA), All Public Libraries, All County Courthouses and City Halls. If you are a student or school personnel, you can also register at your college or high school.
Please note that we are currently subject to the new voter registration laws in Georgia. Please visit this site to learn about which IDs are acceptable, or how to obtain a free voter ID if you currently do not have an acceptable ID.
As you may have heard, a man made his way into the Clinton Campaign office in Rochester, NH on Friday. He entered the building around 1PM, with what was later determined to be road flares strapped to his chest, and the standoff ended around 6PM. Luckily, all 5 hostages were freed unharmed. Also, luckily, this was the work of a man who wanted to speak to Clinton regarding mental health care – he is a man who describes himself as needing mental care that is very difficult to come by – and not the work of someone who does not want to see a woman in the White House.
Rudy Gets No Love.
Rudy Giuliani visited our wonderful State this weekend. He was in town for a Buckhead fundraiser, and decided to make a stop in Marietta. It was in the Marietta Square where he met about 2 dozen supporters – and about 2 dozen louder, younger Paul supporters. Granted, it would be nice to have these enthusiastic Paul supporters vote for the Democrats, but it is refreshing to see young people making a call for change, even if we don’t agree with the supported leader of said change.
Rove and Obama?
In an unsolicited memo sent from Karl Rove to Barak Obama, Rove explains to Obama how to beat Clinton for the Democratic Nomination. So what is Rove’s advice? In a nutshell, “stop acting like a vitamin-deficient Adlai Stevenson.” While, on the surface this appears to be solid advice, I have to wonder what Rove’s motives are. The Republican Party has already implemented the “lets make out like Clinton is going to win the Democratic Nomination, so our base will be motivated to vote - because, lets face it, they don’t like any of us” card. It seems that any advantage Rove might give to Obama would erode the carefully laid Clinton plan for the Republicans. Or is that the point?
Huckabee’s Surge.
Recent polling data shows Huckabee in a tight race with Romney in Iowa, and with Chuck Norris’ help, Huckabee may just have a clear path to win the Caucus. We shall see…