It's been a tough journey and I've learned a lot. For example: Never cold call people at their homes after 8:30 p.m. For some reason, people don't take kindly to that. Go figure! The same goes for knocking on doors.
I was standing in the shower this morning when it occurred to me how cool it is that we get to pick our leaders. We take it for granted, but think about it for a moment. We have power that many people in many parts of the world would die for! In America, average Melissa Citizens have the muscle to determine their county, state, and national leaders. That's power, and it's too bad that many citizens neglect to exercise it. Why?
I've read predictions that the Democratic Primary will have a low turnout. Why? I shake my head when I hear people say, "Why should I vote today? It's a primary; it's not like my vote means anything." I take a calming breath, and I reply respectfully, "Today is the day that we choose our party's leaders. Your vote means everything. That's why you should vote." That goes for Democrats and Republicans.
So this is my appeal to those of you out in blogger land. Please don't turn your backs on the wonderful gift that our forefathers gave to us over two hundred years ago. Americans died so that each one of us would have a voice at EVERY election. Use it. If you think that there needs to be a change in the party, vote, because your vote and those like it can bring about that change. If you think it essential that something in the party remains the same, vote, because your vote and those like it will protect our values.
This is just my way of saying go vote today. Take a few minutes after work or before work and go exercise your voice. Remember those who have no voice in their government, no control over their way of life. Show your gratitude today. You owe it to those who came before, you owe it to yourself, and you owe it to those to come. You have an amazing power. Do Not Waste That Power Today! Please!
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