- The “WTF” award goes to endorsing Torry Lewis over two-term Representative Pedro Marin in House 96 (Gwinnett). If Pedro, as the editorial writer claims, “has been an active legislator on issues affecting the district”, why on earth would you want anyone else in the job? What more is the man supposed to do? Maybe everyone gets a chance in the legislature in Wonderland, but in the real world you find yourself a good legislator and you stick with them.
- Cynthia Tucker clearly wasn't paying attention to the good work Sheila Jones has done for House 44 – apparently she defines “energy” and “purpose” differently than I do, because I saw plenty of both from Representative Jones in her first term. It seems that the AJC is hoping Steven Lee has more sense as a legislator than as a web site designer; otherwise we'll end up with another Sharon Beasley-Teague.
- Speaking of SBT, the one and only “Big Orange Pumpkin”, it was extremely gratifying to see our own Young Democrat T.J. Copeland get called “an easy choice” for the voters of House 65. The endorsement unfortunately didn't mention the bizarre hats Ms. Pumpkin seems to favor, nor the ridiculous comments she's given voice to at FCDP events, but hey, we'll take it.
- I'm disappointed Allen Thornell didn't get the endorsement for House 58, but he has strong opponents, so I'm not totally surprised.
- The Fulton County Commission has got to be in rough shape if Art Geter, who strikes me as a bit (or more) odd, gets the endorsement over Commissioner Bill Edwards only on the basis of Mr. Edwards' allegedly pathetic job performance. Three cheers for “Dysfunctional!”
- Kathy Ashe got one of the strongest endorsements I saw – her opponent wasn't even mentioned, let alone named. Yay!
In other news, I saw my first Matt “50 Cent” Dollar election signs at Powers Ferry and the south 120 loop yesterday. He must be feeling insecure if he needs to care about a primary challenge from Craig “I'm As Loonytunes As Any Democrat” Harfoot...
Gretl and I have both given to TJ's campaign, and we have a Thornell yard sign in front o' the house!
From Torry Lewis
July 8, 2006
I am Torry Lewis, and I thank you for your interest in our campaign. The AJC made their decision based off of the published Q&A they sent out to all candidates and the personal interviews they setup. I have proudly accepted the endorsement of the AJC because they understand my ability to represent the entire district equally. As a product of the districts public schools, including Norcross High School, I have seen the district grow through the years. Being away at college for 4 years I saw the district heading for the worst; at that point I knew we needed a stronger leader in the house.
We can have a stronger voice in the house if I am elected. That’s why I have entered this competition. The youth of the Gwinnett, Georgia, and the nation are ready to take on the challenge of representing our communities. At only 22 years old I have the eagerness to work hard for my community.
Torry Lewis for State House
I am proud to see the "WTF" award giving to Torry Lewis. I assume this stands for "Wise Thinking Fellow", because Torry has shown more wisdom than any young democrats posted. Could this be a little insecurity seeing a young democrat not following the same flock of sheep?
What, are all our state representatives "sheep" we should turn out based on some supposed ideal of youth? Yes, young people can bring a lot to the table - see, for example, T.J. Copeland, who will bring a major improvement in energy, dedication, and honor to House 65 compared to the farcical Sharon Beasley-Teague. But what, I ask you, has Pedro Marin done to deserve that same fate?
The better question is 'What has Pedro Marin done in 4 years?' Resolutions and support for a weak anti-graffiti bill.
Let's see what the kid can do for the 96th. I'm willing to bet he is more in tune with his district that Marin is.
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