NOTE: The opinions expressed by our individual bloggers are their own, and not necessarily those of Young Democrats of Atlanta.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

National call-in on Judge Roberts
This is the situation: John Roberts is a Supreme Court nominee who has argued that Roe v. Wade should be overturned. With a woman's right to choose under attack from all sides -- remaining silent is not an option.

That's why, this week, your senators need to hear from YOU. This Thursday, July 28, we're asking you to help us generate as many phone calls as possible to the Senate. Here's what we need you to do:

1. This Thursday, call both of your senators:
- Saxby Chambliss:
(202) 224-3521
- Johnny Isakson:
(202) 224-3643

2. Tell your senators you oppose the confirmation of anti-choice nominee John Roberts.

"Hi, my name is _________ and I'm one of Senator ___________'s constituents. I'm calling to urge the senator to oppose the confirmation of John Roberts to the Supreme Court. I know Roberts has led a distinguished legal career, but he also has a clear record as a legal activist who has advocated for the overturn of Roe v. Wade and has used public positions to further this goal. This is in direct opposition to the position of the vast majority of Americans and Sandra Day O'Connor's legacy. I ask that the senator oppose any nominee who will not respect my right to personal freedom and personal responsibility.

I'm following this issue closely and will be paying attention to how the senator votes on this issue. Thank you for your time."

3. Let us know you called. Click here: http://prochoiceaction.org/campaign/national_callin_day/73w3834l53imde?

Kristin Koch
Assistant Director Communications - Online Advocacy
NARAL Pro-Choice America
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posted by Aerodad at 7/26/2005 12:25:00 AM 0 comments

Rep. Tyrone Brooks presses authorities on unsolved civil rights murder
One of the more gruesome chapters in the history of civil rights in Georgia was brought to life today, when activists staged a re-enactment of the 1946 Moore's Ford murders of four black people by a mob of white people on the banks of the Apalachee River in Walton County near Monroe. The dramatization, on the 59th anniversary of the killings, is an effort by a group led by state Rep. Tyrone Brooks of Atlanta to publicize the crime and put pressure on authorities to solve a case that has stymied local police, the GBI and the FBI for almost six decades.

Brooks believes the conviction last month of former Ku Klux Klansman Edgar Ray Killen in connection with the 1964 murders of three civil rights workers in Philadelphia, Miss., will give impetus to prosecution of the Georgia case. Last week, a U.S. attorney in Mississippi reopened two more old racially motivated murder cases in that state: the 1964 killings of Charles Eddie Moore and Henry Hezekiah Dee in Franklin County and the 1967 slaying of Wharlest Jackson in Natchez.

"I think the Philadelphia influence has reawakened interest in reopening the case," Brooks said last week. Brooks said he has been pressing law enforcement officials to reinvestigate the Moore's Ford case since the late 1960s. In 1999, the GBI reopened its probe at the request of then-Gov. Roy Barnes.

Read More
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posted by Aerodad at 7/26/2005 12:13:00 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Bush in ATL Friday
From the GA Street Actions hotline,
More info will be coming but Bush is scheduled to speak at the Civic Center (Piedmont and Ralph McGill) at 12:15 on Friday, July 22 on his Social Security plan. I have just spoken to ann and we are suggesting that we assemble at
11am at that intersection.

Pencil it in if your schedule is flexible. More info as it becomes available.
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posted by Aerodad at 7/19/2005 03:10:00 PM 0 comments

Friday, July 15, 2005

NE Georgia Dems BBQ
The Franklin County Democratic Party Is Hosting A Bar-B-Que Fundraiser
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Starting at 5:00 pm
At the Harmony Hill Arena
1114 Hale Crossing Rd., Royston, GA

Democratic candidates for statewide office will address the Northeast Georgia Democratic BBQ at the Harmony Hill Arena outside Royston. BBQ plates will be served beginning at 4:30pm for $10.

"This is a great opportunity for Northeast Georgia to come out and hear where Democrats want to take the state," said Patty Payne, Chair of the Franklin County Democratic Party. "And there's nothing better than an old-fashioned political BBQ to hear their ideas. There will be music, door prizes and plenty of opportunities for citizens to speak with candidates personally as they mingle with the crowd."

"We are also thrilled to have Franklin County's own representatives, Rep. Jeanette Jamieson (D-Toccoa) and Rep. Alan Powell (D-Hartwell)," said Frank Dunson, co-chair of the Franklin County Democratic Party. "All citizens, all voters, regardless of their party preference, are invited to this barbeque to meet the candidates," he continued. For further information, telephone 706-356-2253.

Location: Harmony Hill Arena outside Royston, Georgia
Date: Saturday, July 16, 2005
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Attire: Dress comfortably for a Georgia summer afternoon of BBQ

Directions to Harmony Hill Arena: GA 51 west of Royston in the Sandy Cross community, then left onto Hale Crossing Road.

Featured Guests:

Candidates for Georgia Governor:
Secretary of State Cathy Cox
Sacha Taylor, speaking for husband Lt. Gov. Mark Taylor

Candidates for Lieutenant Governor:
Former State Senator Greg Hecht
Former State Representative Jim Martin

Candidates for Secretary of State:
Former State Senator Carol Jackson
Angela Moore
Shyam Reddy

Candidate for Attorney General: Attorney General Thurbert Baker
Candidate for Agriculture Commissioner: Agriculture Commissioner Tommy Irvin
Candidate for State School Superintendent Carlotta Harrell
Candidate for Insurance Commissioner: Guy Drexinger

Local Elected Officials Attending:
Representative Alan Powell (GA House District 29)
Representative Jeanette Jamieson (GA House District 28)

The emcee for this event will be Amy Morton, LMFT from Macon, GA.

Contacts for additional information:
Patty Payne, Chair & GA State Democratic Committee Member
Frank Dunson, Vice Chair 706-356-5931
The Franklin County Democratic Party
P.O. Box 606
Lavonia, GA 30553
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posted by Aerodad at 7/15/2005 02:08:00 AM 0 comments

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Weekly Atlanta Dems Program on Air Atlanta Radio
Better late than never!
We are kicking things up a notch, raising the profile in our efforts to promote Democratic causes and candidates. On Saturday, July 9th, you will begin hearing my voice on 1690 Air Atlanta, doing promotional spots for our new "Dedicated Democrats" weekly broadcast. I'll be producing a program that goes on the air four times every Wednesday at 8 am, 1 pm, 4pm and 8 pm -- with the Inaugural Program this coming Wednesday, July 13th.

What more fitting thing than to have the highest elected Democrat in Georgia state government for our first guest on this exciting new effort. It is my honor to interview Lt. Governor Mark Taylor on this first program.

It is only with your constant encouragement and support that I keep striving for bigger and better things for our team - if we don't kick Republican butt in 2006, it won't be for lack of effort on our group's part! Please be sure to spread the word to friends and kindred spirits to listen. And I will appreciate your individual personal feedback on this exciting new effort.

Linda Edmonds, Organizer & Director
Atlanta Area Democrats

Way to go, Linda!
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posted by Aerodad at 7/14/2005 10:08:00 AM 0 comments

Yeah but what would you say ya DO here?
The College Democrats have something handy to teach us "old fogeys" -- sixteen simple ways to get involved, in case you feel like you've had enough of just standing around at bars complaining about the Right. Visit the College Democrats site for hot tips and more details on the following actions:
1. Get Involved with the Coordinated Campaign
2. Listen/Call In to Talk Radio Shows
3. Write an Op-Ed Piece
4. Write a Letter to the Editor
5. Take Out an Ad in the Local Paper
6. Be a Campaign Surrogate
7. Hold Rallies and Message Events
8. Volunteer Your Time
9. Register People to Vote
10. Help Get Out the Vote (GOTV)
11. Create an Information Network
12. Monitor Third Party Groups
13. Be the Eyes & Ears of a Campaign
14. Contribute Money
15. Throw a House Party
16. Donate Equipment

Thanks to Kevin Kane for the heads-up.
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posted by Aerodad at 7/14/2005 09:52:00 AM 0 comments

GOP was wrong on race? Get out!
From the Washington Post,
It was called "the southern strategy," started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters.
Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was "wrong."
"By the '70s and into the '80s and '90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out," Mehlman says in his prepared text. "Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."

So, is Mehlman just admitting that the only reason the GOP is "reaching out" now is that they've realized they can't win votes by being hate-mongers? Hmm.

But enough negative spin; what we need to remind some of our more conservative fellow Georgians about is that certain policies of the GOP hurt them as much as the African American community.
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posted by Aerodad at 7/14/2005 09:44:00 AM 0 comments

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Red Cross - London
If you feel so inclined, you can make a donation to the Red Cross in London on this page.
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posted by Aerodad at 7/07/2005 04:58:00 PM 0 comments

Rainbow/PUSH March for Georgia Voting Rights
Saturday August 6

Rainbow/PUSH Coalition will be marching and rallying against our highly restrictive VoterID measure, HB244. Jesse Jackson, John Lewis, Maxine Waters, and many state elected officials will be in attendance.

Starts at 10am at P'tree & 10th, goes to Piedmont Park for an all-day rally.
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posted by Aerodad at 7/07/2005 04:01:00 PM 0 comments

Freedom of the press
So Judy Miller's gone to jail because someone in the White House is a traitor. What now?

There will be a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing to discuss the merits of a federal shield law to protect reporters and the viability of confidential informants. Two bills have been penned in the House and Senate toward that end. Sadly enough, there are no co-sponsors from the great state of Georgia on either.

Drop your Senators and Representative a note or give them a buzz to make sure they're on board.

* Chambliss
* Isakson
* Look up your Rep.
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posted by Aerodad at 7/07/2005 12:48:00 PM 0 comments

Monday, July 04, 2005

Rally in Hurt Park 7/5/05
More news from Ms. Prez (man is she connected!):
URGENT ALERT - Tues., 7/5 Supreme Court Rally

Dear Friends of the Feminist Advocacy Network,

With the holiday weekend upon us, we hope you are
enjoying some fun in the sun. However, we urge
you to read this message because it carries urgent
information for action. Please excuse duplicates--
we are trying to distribute this widely. Plus, if you
received other messages about other locations, there
were permit issues -- so this is the right one.

With the retirement of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
comes a significant threat to women's reproductive
freedom, as well as many human and civil rights issues
we know you hold dear. Throughout her tenure, Justice
O'Connor has been one of the "swing" votes on the
Supreme Court, part of the razor-thin majority (5 to 4)
on an array of critical decisions. Many of the rights and
protections, including civil rights guarantees, Roe w.
Wade , workplace protections, and environmental
advances, that we have all come to cherish now hang in
the balance.

coalition effort, the Feminist Women's Health Center will
join other progressive organizations to have a Rally
on Tuesday, July 5th at 11:30 AM at Hurt
Park. Hurt Park is at the corner of Courtland St.
and Edgewood Avenue in downtown Atlanta.

Speakers as of press time include: Rev. Dr. Joseph
Lowery of the Georgia Coalition for the People's Agenda
and Errin Vuley of Georgians for Choice, the statewide
coalition for women's freedom. More speakers will be

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give
us a call at 404-248-5445. Please come to the Rally!
Bring your energies and passion!

Janelle Yamarick
email: janelley@feministcenter.org
phone: 404-248-5445
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posted by Aerodad at 7/04/2005 02:37:00 PM 0 comments

Minority caucus

The Young Democrats of America (YDA) Minority Caucus gives a lodging and registration stipend for young Democrats of color to attend national meetings, conventions and regional events. Many young people are unable to attend YDA events across the country, due to financial hardship. This burden is particularly felt within communities of color. The YDA Minority Caucus created this fund to provide financial assistance and scholarship to worthy youth of color.

All applicants for these scholarships must be (1) a member of a Young Democrat local, municipal, state, college, or nationally affiliated chapter or unit, (2) show ability and commitment for organizing and empowering young people within the Democratic Party, (3) must be a YOUNG DEMOCRAT OF COLOR, who self-identifies with a predominant minority group (African, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Mid-Eastern ancestry), and (4) must commit one (1) calendar year of service to the YDA Minority Caucus, either through volunteer and/or programmatic work or through a Caucus Committee.

Each applicant will be considered for stipends for which he or she qualifies. The Empowerment Fund application deadline is July 15, 2005. Scholarships are competitive and will be distributed appropriately.


For an application or, if you'd like to donate to the Empowerment Fund, check us out on the web at http://www.ydaempowermentfund.org/!

Join the Minority Caucus!
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posted by Aerodad at 7/04/2005 01:41:00 PM 0 comments


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